Five (5) individuals elected by the residents of the District make up the Board of Directors of the West Travis County MUD No. 5. Should a Director vacate a position, the remaining Directors appoint an individual to serve the unexpired term of the departed Director. In the past, the Board of Directors has notified residents of vacancies and asked volunteers to fill vacant Director positions. If you are interested in filling any vacancy, please let a Director know of your interest to serve on the Board.
The Directors of West Travis County MUD No. 5 serve four-year terms. The terms are staggered to provide continuity of service. The next election is scheduled for the spring of 2018, at which time three positions will be open. Directors are not term-limited and may run for re-election.
Excepting provisions of the Texas Water Code, the Texas Election Code establishes most of the procedures for electing District directors. Special law districts should refer to their enabling legislation for provisions relating to elections. On uniform election dates in either November or May of each even-numbered year, voters elect the appropriate number of directors. In all areas of conflict, the provisions of the Texas Water Code take precedence over prior statutory enactments.
Candidates seeking election to the board must file an application for a place on the Texas General Election Ballot, as prescribed by the Secretary of State. To be qualified to serve as a director, a person shall be at least 18 years old, a resident citizen of the State of Texas, and either own land subject to taxation in the District or be a qualified voter within the District.
If you’re interested in serving on the MUD No. 5 board, please read the follow document.